increasingly hostile

美 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈhɑːstl]英 [ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli ˈhɒstaɪl]
  • 越来越敌对(或不利)的
increasingly hostileincreasingly hostile
  1. If this round of talks fails , the world 's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile .


  2. Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him , the Chancellor is secure in his post .


  3. Companies are also developing new systems , technologies and sales tools to combat the increasingly hostile environment .


  4. That should raise some cheers in Moscow , where concern is growing about an increasingly hostile investment environment .


  5. In a world increasingly hostile to children , we want to show we care by acting on our loving impulse , which usually means spending .


  6. The withering attacks over a family-friendly franchise like Potter show how the nature of fan uprisings has grown increasingly hostile .


  7. Stratford-on-Avon , as we all know , has only one industry-William Shakespeare-but there are two distinctly separate and increasingly hostile branches .


  8. Several weeks of Sisyphean efforts at building a bipartisan consensus on his $ 800bn stimulus plan appear to have won the White House very little support from an increasingly hostile opposition .


  9. The increasingly hostile dispute with Vietnam is set to dominate the inaugural US-China Asia-Pacific Consultations , a new forum to discuss regional issues , to be held in Hawaii on Saturday .


  10. As his tall , lanky frame heads for the exit , he cuts an almost heroic figure : a super-wealthy Don Quixote , fighting to make his eccentric voice heard in an increasingly hostile business and political world .


  11. Unfortunately , an increasingly sophisticated and hostile environment exists in today 's Internet .


  12. Naval ships face increasingly serious threats from hostile scouting sonars in modern oceanic battlefields .
